Oatmeal Hamburgers / Hamburguesas de Avena

I think these are the best vege burgers I’ve made. The flavor is good and the  texture is perfect. The other great thing about these patties is that they are baked! They also freeze great. If your kids don’t like nuts, make sure the nuts are chopped finely. These days, I chop and grate everything in the food processor.  I like to serve them on lettuce leaves with mustard and ketchup.

Oatmeal “Hamburger” Patties

1. Place the following in a large pot:
       4 ½ cups water
       ½ cup soy sauce
2. When boiling, add the oatmeal and continue cooking for 10 minutes:
       4 ½ cups oatmeal, rolled oats
3. After the 10 minutes the oatmeal is cooked, add the rest of the ingredients listed below into the same pot and mix everything together.
4. Add:
       1 teaspoon garlic powder
       1 tablespoon chicken-like seasoning
       ¼ cup nutritional yeast flakes (I like to buy this in bulk from health food stores)
       ¾ cup chopped nuts (Any nuts, pecans, walnuts, etc.)
       ¼ cups sesame seeds (optional)
       1/3 cup olive oil
       1 large onion, chopped
       1 potato, raw and grated
       1 carrot, grated
       ½ teaspoon dried oregano
       ½ teaspoon dried basil

4. Next use a mayonnaise top or similar to form patties. First spray inside of top with Pam or other non-stick spray. Pack your mixture into the top and then smooth any excessive away until its flat (spray top with Pam as you go, as needed).  Place on a cookie sheet that has been sprayed with Pam and bake for 20 minutes at 350˚, turn patties and bake for another 20 minutes.

5. Last take one whole piece/bed of lettuce to place your cooked patty in and wrap to complete your hamburger (optional, add mustard and/or ketchup to taste).

Para mí, estas son las mejores “hamburguesas” vegetarianas. Tienen un sabor rico y la textura es perfecta. Lo otro bueno es que se cocinan en el horno sin grasa. También se pueden congelar. Si a tus hijos nos les gustan las nueces, nada más pícalas finamente. Para más rápido, pica las nueces en la procesadora, raya la zanahoria y la papa en la procesadora y listo! Me gusta servirlas en hojas de lechuga con mostaza y salsa cátsup.

Hamburguesas de Avena

1. En una olla grande, poner a hervir:
·       4 ½ tazas de agua
·       ½ taza de salsa soya

2. Cuando esté hirviendo, añadir la avena y cocinar por 10 minutos, sin dejar de mezclar:
·       4 ½ tazas de avena entera

3. Añadir:
·       1 cucharadita de polvo de ajo
·       1 cucharada de polvo sabor a pollo
·       ¼ taza de levadura de cerveza (se encuentra en las tiendas de salud)
·       ¾ taza de nueces, picadas
·       ¼ taza de semillas de ajonjolí (opcional)
·       1/3 taza de aceite de oliva
·       1 cebolla grande, picadita
·       1 papa fresca, rallada
·       1 zanahoria, rallada
·       ½ cucharadita orégano seco
·       ½ cucharadita albahaca seco

4. Mezclar todo bien y dejar enfriar un poco. Formar las hamburguesas y poner en un molde engrasado con “Pam”. Hornear a 350˚F por 20 minutos. Voltear y hornear otros 20 minutos.


Anonymous said…
Yum! These are delicious, Laura. My mom brought some home after your meeting tonight. My first question was "did you get the recipe?!"...so here I am- excited to have found your blog- and this terrific recipe. Thank you! ~rachel
Unknown said…
I'm so glad you liked them! These are seriously my favorite veggie patties.
Unknown said…
Oh, and I just figured out I could reply.

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